The National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIISQ)
'The National Injury Insurance Scheme (NIISQ) is a no-fault Scheme which provides eligible people with necessary and reasonable treatment, care and support, in some cases for their lifetime.
Anyone who experiences serious personal injuries as a result of a motor vehicle accident in Queensland, on or after 1 July 2016, may be eligible to receive support from NIISQ.'
(NIISQ Website, 2023)
We are a service provider!
Our Role working closely with the NIISQ to maximise the health outcomes of participants, includes:
Let participants know they have a choice of any registered provider (via their finder portal).
You have the opportunity to see Kyra (our Clinical Director & Exercise Physiologist) via our sister company Rehab Aid Exercise Physiology.
Notify the NIISQ as soon as possible of a referral from a participant.
Work collaboratively with the NIISQ, as well as other service providers and the participant and their family/guardians.
Provide evidence-based, outcome-focused services
Empower the participant by facilitating their independence and participation in the community.
Make recommendations that are necessary and reasonable.